

+39 3389810983​

Studio Fotografo i Soprano

Address: Via della Stadera 85 / C, 80143
Naples, Campania Telephone:
0813415970 Email: fotoisoprano@libero.it

P.IVA: 08921061217
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Information on the processing of personal data ex. Art 13 - Legislative Decree 196/2003 of 30 June 2003

For the establishment and execution of contractual relationships with its customers, the following company is in possession of personal, fiscal and related data relating to the related corporate / business object, also acquired verbally, directly or through third parties. Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 of 30 June 2003 "Code regarding the protection of personal data" and in relation to the personal data we intend to process according to principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of confidentiality and rights, we inform you of the following.

Owner and manager
The owner and manager of the processing of personal data is the legal representative domiciled for the function at the company itself.

Purpose of the processing
Personal data are processed within the normal activity of the owner and according to purposes strictly connected and instrumental to the management of the relationship in each phase (pre-contractual, contractual, litigation, etc.), to the resulting contractual obligations and to update services. offered, to fulfill the obligations imposed by law, regulations and community legislation.

Nature of the provision
The provision of the data is mandatory for all that is required by legal and contractual obligations and therefore any refusal to supply them or to subsequent processing may make it impossible to carry out the same contractual relationships. Failure to provide data that are not attributable to legal or contractual obligations will be evaluated from time to time and will determine the consequent decisions related to the importance of the data requested with respect to the management of the relationship.

Processing methods
The processing of personal data takes place with the support of paper and electronic means and is carried out exclusively through the phases of collection, registration, organization, storage, classification, communication, cancellation and destruction of data, carried out by the staff in charge of the activity within its competence and following appropriate training. The data are stored at our headquarters and will be processed for the entire duration of the contractual relationships established and also subsequently for the fulfillment of all legal obligations. The data relating to the performance of the economic activity are processed in compliance with current legislation on business and industrial secrecy. Security measures are used to ensure the necessary confidentiality and avoid undue access to third parties or unauthorized persons.

Scope of communication and dissemination of data
Without prejudice to the communications and dissemination carried out in execution of legal obligations, the data are made available exclusively for the purposes listed above and may be communicated (only for aspects relating to the specific activity to be performed), nationally and / or internationally. , to the following other subjects:

Accreditation bodies;

Professionals and external companies who collaborate for audit activities;

Professionals and external companies that carry out activities for the management and control of our business activity;

Banks or credit institutions;

Credit recovery companies or entities.

The validity status of the client organization's certification (certified, suspended, canceled) is also disclosed to third parties, through verbal, paper, internet and website means, indicating company name, address, reference standard, certification purpose. and certificate number, tax code and VAT number. In no case will the personal data in our possession be disclosed or communicated to third parties for commercial purposes, without prejudice to the limits set out in art. 16 Legislative Decree 196/2003.

Rights of the interested party
With regard to personal data, your organization may at any time exercise the rights provided for by art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 within the limits and under the conditions set out in articles 8, 9 and 10 of the same decree, by sending a request by registered letter, fax or e-mail, to the owner of the personal data. The addresses are shown on the appropriate page of this site.

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